Saturday, March 19, 2011

letter from dr sears

Al Sears, MD
11903 Southern Blvd., Ste. 208
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

March 16, 2011

Dear Matt,

Do you remember how a burger used to taste when you were a kid?

My mouth is watering just thinking about it…

The meat was dense and juicy. Every bite was full of flavor. You could actually chew on it. And back then, you didn’t need to eat more than one burger to be full and satisfied.

Today, the beef you get from the grocery store is light and puffy. It’s not dense and flavorful at all. And it’s got almost no nutrients, which makes you hungry again in no time.

You get that empty feeling inside because commercial beef producers use hormones to “grow” your beef.

One they use is a steroid called trenbolone acetate.

Trenbolone is what we call an anabolic steroid or a tissue-building drug.

As soon as a calf turns 45 days old, they can pop the implant in the little calf’s ear. Combined with other hormones like estrogen, the calf’s daily weight gain will increase by up to 20 percent.1

And instead of absorbing nutrients slowly and steadily over time from their natural diet of grass, the calves munch on grain feed mixed with antibiotics. They start to grow quickly and unnaturally.

This makes for cows with muscles surrounded by fat with few nutrients, and inflated by androgens. And that means puffy, nutrient-poor beef.

What’s worse is there’s still the issue of the trenbolone itself.

The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration all say “proper” use of trenbolone is safe.

The problem is, it’s not always used properly.

The implants are pellets that are supposed to be inserted near the back of the cow’s ear because the ears are removed before processing.

But the implantation doesn’t always go as planned. They have accidents like abscesses, expelled implants, cartilage embedment, crushed pellets, missing pellets and bunched pellets.2

Where are the missing pellets and embedded implants ending up?

It sure doesn’t sound safe, and it’s just one more reason not to trust what’s in commercial beef.

And with androgens, we have plenty of evidence of their side effects in people. Some of them are:

Prostate enlargement
Male baldness
Female body hair growth
Liver problems
Aggressive behavior
Testicular atrophy
Low thyroid activity
Impaired kidney function
None of those problems are worth eating hamburgers made from commercial beef.

Your body is too important to let it be subjected against your will to hormones engineered for animals. It doesn’t have to be this way. Take charge of your own food choices.

If you want to make sure the beef you’re getting is really grass-fed, you can ask the butcher at your local store.

But the surest way to get grass-fed products is through a private farm or ranch.

New York Times-best-selling author Jo Robinson is an aficionado on grass-fed beef. She has compiled a comprehensive list of grass-fed cattle farmers in the U.S. and Canada. You can access the list by visiting her website:

Another website with resources on finding grass-fed animal farmers is Or you can search the internet for grass-fed beef farmers or ranchers.

I order mine from U.S. Wellness Meats. The beef is delivered to your doorstep packed in ice in a matter of days. To find them quickly and easily, visit the Health Directory page my website and scroll down a bit to the U.S. Wellness link.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

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